Thursday, June 21, 2007

A little Diva and her Brother

Here is a little Diva and her Brother that I recently got to shoot. Aren't they cute! Reagan was such sweetie, she really did not want to smile until Mommy left the room for a minute. It was just long enough to get some really cute tutu shots. I also got to try her out in my new teapot. Her brother really did like the camera but we got some cute shots. Enjoy the preview.

Allie is 1 Already!!!

I just can not believe it but Allie Cat is one. I first shot this beautiful girl as a newborn. She was just a very small premie and I shot her at only weeks old. She is technically my very first 1 year sitting package and it has been a joy. This sitting was the hardest. I have gotten pretty used to Allie just sitting pretty and smiling away. Mommy knows, this time was tougher as our little smiler is now on the go! And I think she might not stop. Anyways, here is a preview of the little, I mean big 1 year old!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Welcome to the world Cowboy Dylan

I had the pleasure of shooting newborn photos of baby Dylan the other day. I did him in mommy's belly a couple months ago and his sisters too. They are beautiful and he is pretty cute too. Mom and Dad's first boy and they are having fun. His room is cowboy, so the maternity shoot was on the farm and he had his very first cowboy boots at his newborn shoot. The girls were out with gamma so I missed them this time around. Isn't he sweet, I even caught a couple newborn smiles. Here are a few from in mommy's tummy as a reminder, and sisters too, couldn't help it.

What is that secret about, maybe Dylan?

Friday, June 15, 2007

Chunky Baby B

Here is baby Brayden in all of his glory. He is such and chunk and most of you may know I am a addicted to chubby babies!! He is so cute. I had a hard time choosing what to preview because of it. It was a very fun shoot. He just smiled and we got some serious shots too. I decided to start out with a shot of him with Mom and Dad. I just love this family photo! Enjoy the preview. Oh and I forgot, he has the absolute Bluest eyes!