Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Hoppity Easter Event

Well the first day of the Hoppity Easter Event was a success. It was a lot of fun to see old faces and new ones too. The little ones grow so fast. All the kids had fun with the bunnies and duckies (At least I think). The bunnies and duckies had fun too but were very tired when we got home. I am looking forward to another day of it this coming weekend and it should be just as fun. Thank you to all that came or are coming and thank you escpecially to my helpers (wonderful husband, Mike and good friend, Joy) I couldn't have done it without them. Here is a preview of some of the very cute pics. I am working on them as fast as possible so please be patient. Call with any questions. See the website for more if you would like(of the ones completed).

Sunday, March 11, 2007

What a beautiful day

It was such a wonderful day so we took the boys to the new church playground. I love these first few days and coming summer too! SOOO excited that it is daylight savings. I am just not a winter girl, can you tell? HA HA. Here are a few pics from our play. My poor Jakob, I think he has hit that time when kids start the fake grin. I guess I am gonna have to catch him in the act like most clients. I can't wait for summer outdoor sessions. They are so much fun for clients and me as the photographer.

Isabella and the Bunny

Here is sweet Isabella with the bunnies for Easter. Poor thing, I got there just as she was waking up and then we took her in the bright sun. She calmed down and is such lovely 4 month old. She didn't even care about the bunny. She wanted the rattle more (we were using to get her to look
). Enjoy your preview.

Logan 6 months

Logan is part of my first year package. I got to shoot his 6 month shots yesterday. He is such a little stinker. But oh so cute. I can not believe how much he has grown. Mom said yesterday she didnt really realize how big he was until she recently held a newborn. They grow oh so fast. I can't believe mine are 6 and 2. Crazy. Enjoy your preview. I will try to add more later.

Baby Henry and Big Brother James

As Some of you might know, I LOVE newborns. I had the joy of shooting little Henry and his big brother James. James is not so sure about little Henry yet but I am sure he will. James has the bluest eyes and red hair. Just too cute. Little Henry has a lot of hair already. I am sure another cutie in the making! This was a fun sitting. Enjoy the preview.

Monday, March 5, 2007


I just got to see Ella for the second time for her 4 month portraits. What a little sweetie. She would not smile at first but then we pulled out a feather boa and she went to town. Here are a few previews of her fun session!

Saturday, March 3, 2007


I was so excited for a few warm days. I love spring! Not a winter girl at all. Now I am sad it is cold again. But longer warm days are ahead of us and I am doing an easter special in honor of that. I have live baby bunnies and will be getting baby ducks in a couple weeks. I will be holding a two day mini session event. For $40 (normal session $45) you get time with the bunnies and ducks, plus a few other just spring if you would like (atleast 10-15 proofs but if you know me it will be more). You also get two sheets with it. FUN HUH! The events will be held at Rockwood Bank in High Ridge, MO. They have a large conference room I have booked. It will be from 10 am to 4 pm on 3/18/07 and 3/24/07. I will also do private individual sessions if requested. They could be at your home or a park. Hurry to book now before the appointments are all booked! Here are the flyers I created but see the website for a few more images of my kids with the bunnies. TOO CUTE!